Observed Trials

General Category => Events => Topic started by: Blancgonnet on April 13, 2015, 11:02:33 pm

Title: 04/25/15 Diamond Mill Trials School
Post by: Blancgonnet on April 13, 2015, 11:02:33 pm
If you're planning on coming to the Diamond Mill Trial marshaled by Kevin Krahel on the 26th of April then why not come a day early for some last minute practice? I will be holding a trials school Saturday morning before the trial capped at the first 5 people that sign up. For the 2014 trials national season, the club graciously donated to help me travel across the country representing Oregon at the National level and so to give back, the only cost to you is that you try to attend the trials Sunday and make it a fun trials filled weekend! (AKA Free).  To sign up email me (Daniel Blanc-Gonnet) at dblancgonnet@gmail.com. If you're not able to make this school, dont worry, I will be hosting another school in a few months!

Hope to see everyone at the trial.