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General Category / General Discussion / Re: Yamaha TY 250a gas and oil question
on: January 26, 2014, 11:20:29 pm
I have 2 250's A 1974 ty and a 1977 ty both have the auto lube removed but if you are going to use it make sure the oil you use says injector oil not premix. The Yamalube oil is 2-S for injectors the premix is 2-R. I don't see the need for running premix also as it will clog your pipe quicker and smoke more. Make sure the injector pump is working properly. I own 5 of these bikes 2 250s 2 175s 1 80 the 80 is the only one that still has the autolube still on it and it seems to work fine running stright non-eth gas and yamalube 2-S in the injector tank.
General Category / Events / Re: 9/21/13 Cedar Creek Trials School
on: September 16, 2013, 09:57:01 pm
I would like to take part in the school and camp I'll be coming from Seattle so I was wondering what time the school is as I can plan what time I need to leave in the morning.Thanks for putting this on see you on Saturday. Barry Cramton Intermediate class