On questions like this (Which oil and/or gas is best?), you'll get a huge variety of opinions. Mine is probably no more valid than any others, but here goes.......
Personally, I like to run non-ethanol premium for gas, and a good synthetic (I use Amsoil) oil. I used to run a mix of 4 gallons of pump no-eth premium, one gallon of VP race fuel, and my oil at 80:1. I lowered the compression on my bike, and now simply (and much cheaper-ly....
) run the pump fuel. When I was buying the race fuel, it was $12.00 a gallon. I dunno what it goes for nowadays.....
Trials bikes typically have a healthy compression ratio, and I felt the mix with a small amount of race fuel was a good safeguard to keep it from pinging. I've never used an octane booster. so I can't speak to that, Pilotsolex.
Non-ethanol fuel seems to stay "fresher", and hold up better when being stored, than normal pump gasolines. I've never felt the need for a stabilizer with non-ethanol fuel. In my wife & daughter's little XR/CRF 100s, I have way fewer problems with the carbs plugging up pilot jets when they sit for months w/o being ridden by using non-eth gas. I also drain the float bowls to help that, as well.......
www.pure-gas.org has a list of stations that sell non-eth fuel, listed by the state. There are other websites with similar lists; just type in "non-ethanol fuel stations" at a search engine, & it should get ya some help.