The object of observed trials is to ride a specified piece of ground with entry and exit gates and side boundaries (known as a section) without stopping (unless balanced with both feet on the pegs with no outside support). The rider with the lowest score is the winner. Points are allocated as follows:

A competitor’s final score for each event will be the total scores of his rides. The numerical score will increase from a starting score of zero (0). Final overall and class places will be inverse to the numerical score. In the event of a tie, the competitor with the most “cleans” (zero points lost) will be declared the winner. If there is still a tie, go to 1’s. The riders who are tied, at the discretion of the sponsoring club, may elect to have a ride-off, or both riders should be declared equal and given identical awards.

A rider shall be penalized only for the error he commits which carries the greatest number of penalty points, i.e., penalties in any given observed section shall not be cumulative (except for the first three dabs). It is the responsibility of the rider to see that his score card is complete, or duly marked, and turned-in on-time. All blank or unmarked spaces for designated sections on the score card will be considered non-attempts. If more than one-half of the last loop on the score card is not completed, the rider will be considered a non-finisher.

Scoring will be based on the point-lost system, listed below:

Penalty Faults:

  • Footing once: 1 point
  • Footing twice: 2 points
  • Footing more than twice: 3 points
  • Stopping without footing: no penalty
  • Footing once while stopped: 1 point
  • Footing twice while stopped: 2 points
  • moving backward without footing: no penalty (new rule for 25′)


  • Moving backwards: unsupported no penalty, foot down and backwards: 5 points
  • Crosses (clear site of ground between wheel and marker) or breaks a boundary: 5 points
  • Sideways movement without forward motion (see definitions): 5 points
  • Dead engine, with support: no points if balanced, count dabs if supported.
  • Handlebars touches supporting element: ground/tree/rock beyond 45 degrees : 5 points
  • Dismounting, (both feet on same side of bike or both feet behind rear axle: 5 points, if both feet are in front of the front axle on the ground. If you can survive not crashing, that would be an amazing ride, just count your dabs and lucky stars and move on.
  • Failure to complete a section within the 2 minutes allowed: 5 points (only at national events)
  • Crossing tracks, one tire may cross another tire, if one tire crosses both tires = 5 points
  • Receiving outside assistance in a section: 5 points
  • The rider changes the severity of a section: 5 points
  • If there is any question concerning penalties, the rider will always be given the benefit of the doubt.


Footing definitions: Any intentional contact between the riders foot or any other part of his body or bike (excluding the skid plate, footpegs, engine casings and their protection) and a supporting surface or object, is one point for each occurrence. Foot rotation counts as one point. Sliding a foot counts as one point. Both feet placed on ground simultaneously counts as two points.

Backing up: Backing-up with your feet on the pegs or while footing is considered to be a “5”.
The handlebars of the machine touches the ground ­ This is considered to be a “5”.

Outside assistance: Any outside assistance while a rider is in a section is to be considered a “5”.

Front axle in – Front axle out: All scoring is to take place as the front axle passes between the enter sign and all scoring is to cease as the front axle passes between the exit signs. Front axle must pass between Enter and Exit Markers.

Boundaries: A Front axle may pass over a boundary (except Enter & Exit), but it must not touch down directly beyond or adjacent to the boundary or it will result in a “5”. A rider may ride on a Ribbon but not beyond it. There must be ground visible between tire and ribbon to be considered a “5”.
Displacing a Marker ­ Any displacement of markers by any direct contact with any part of the machine or body, requiring that they be reset is a “5”.

Handlebar touching ground or obstacle; if the handlebar touches an obstacle, Tree/rock etc and is used for balance, it is counted as a “dab”, if the contact is incidental, no dab is counted. If the bike is more than a 45 degree angle and the bar touches any obstacle, this is considered a “5”.

Note: The rider is part of the machine unless the rider is in the act of dabbing.
Note: Dabbing on or outside a boundary is not a five, even if the marker needs to be reset. Touching a boundary with the machine, without requiring its resetting is OK (A breakage of exit gate with rear wheel is not considered a “5”, the score is finished when front axle passes through the exit).

Split markers: COTA uses split markers not “Gates”, the split marker does not have a definite other end of the split where it points, only somewhere between the Start and End marker of the section. A split marker, is an arrow you must follow the direction it is pointing in relation to your class, if your class is pointed that way, you go that way, if your class is not noted, you cannot go that way. The order Split markers need to be ridden in? Whatever works best for you, unless the observer specifies which marker is to be ridden first.

Dead Motor: A motorcycle with a dead motor may be restarted if support is used (counting dabs) A motorcycle with a dead motor pushed to the exit is considered to be a “5”.

Dismounting: Footing of both feet on the same side of the bike is considered a dismount and a “5”. Or both feet on the same side of the motorcycle (involving footage) is considered a dismount and a “5”. Both hands must be on the handlebars while footing or it is considered to be a “5”.

Out of bounds: Line of sight or line of Intent, any part of the motorcycle still within the line of sight between 2 flags is legal. Does not include Split Gates, this is for outside boundaries only. Competitors may not cross their own tracks unless the section is so designed, and OK’ed by the organizer.

In line position: When you pull up to a section and leave your bike you are not in line. When you return to your bike, go to the back of the line. This is common courtesy.

Other penalties: A rider may report to the observer and receive a five for that section even though he does not attempt it. If a rider misses the section or does not report to the observer, then he receives a 10. A rider should not alter the section while walking it, i.e. moving rocks, making a path with feet, etc. The penalty for a rider altering the section at any time other than during the scored ride is five for that ride. Unsportsmanlike conduct or offensive behavior can result in a penalty of 25. The 25 point penalty can be given at the sole discretion of any observer or course official.